Happy New Year!!!

And thus, another year ends. And another begins.

So what’s so special about 2016? Attack on Titan gets a new season, Itachi Uchiha gets an anime for his own, D-Gray Man is slated for a comeback.

What else?  Perhaps I could get in a really cool college…let’s hope!

2016 is a leap year, so it is special in a way. Olympics is something to look forward to, and of course, SHERLOCK! As the midnight bells strike, lucky fans in London get to watch Cumberbatch on the big screen. We poor people have to wait a week for the official telecast.

So, wish you an awesome year ahead. Party responsibly, do good, be good and of course, stay safe. Let 2016 be remembered for the good things.

This is me signing off the old year with this last post of 2015.

Well…guess it’s been long…stuff happened…

Tokyo Ghoul

Life can be a bitch at times, you know…

Placement tests, post-grad entrance exams, college finals…life’s hard.

I know it’s been ages since I last posted but bear it with me fellas…I am squished myself. I just hope I get into a good post-grad school and finally settle down for a fun-filled life and actually do something I really wanna do. Continue reading