Quoting a quote challenge

Rocco B nominated me for a 3-day quote challenge…thanks buddy!

The Rules are pretty simple..

  1. Post one quotation a day for three days (they can be from other sources or one of your own).
  2. Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

The quotes would be coming up in my later posts so I guess you guys keep your eyes peeled. I would be putting up suitable tags for the same so that it’s not hard to find them if one wants to.


My nominations:


Maxed Out Muscles


My one hundred-and-fifty-seventh “first” post…I think


It’s time for my first post…again.

Hell, I’ve like started and deleted so many blogs that all the notches on my fingers fall sadly short to count…some more and I guess WordPress will be happy enough to get me blacklisted.

Okay, so here I am, with another brand new blog…the Nerdy Author.

Why the name?

Good question. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to answer it…*hahaha*

I think this describes me in a nice little nutshell–me the geek hunched over my trusty laptop and torturing the poor keys until my fingers start rebelling.

And still I’m light years away to get that “kanpeki” plot for my debut novel. It’s still “somewhere out there”.

To all those brave souls who have pressed the follow button, don’t worry. I promise I’ll fill your inbox with complete and utter balderdash.

Until next time fellas!

Happy writing!