One down, five more to go…

It was super crappy.

I guess I must have been an exam-loving psycho in one of my past lives, which can perhaps explain the “love” these exam thingies have for me. Some sort of payback karma…result of the students who might have cursed me back then. But the guy upstairs could cut me some itty-bitty slack…for Almighty’s sake, I’m just a wee little human for crying out loud.


Tossing bad memories aside, it’s time I immerse myself into the subject to be tested tomorrow, a real prickly thing. Can you even imagine the fact that the teachers who teach that subject are absolute nutters?

I mean, I seriously asked them as to what sort of questions would be put in the exam so that we can prepare accordingly…and she was all glinting the Mona Lisa smile to glory. Man…this world wouldn’t need an alien invasion to get destroyed, some teachers are quite capable to do that job.


But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. So back to the books for me…

Till next time, folks… 😥

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